
This website contains supplementary material to several works on placement planning for robot manipulators. The emphasis of this line of work lies on planning object placements that maximize an objective function in the presence of obstacles. Currently, this website contains supplementary material for two publications:

  • Object Placement Planning and Optimization for Robot Manipulators, in International Conferece on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2019, Macau, China.
  • Placing Objects with prior In-Hand Manipulation using Dexterous Manipulation Graphs, in Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) 2019, Toronto, Canada.
See in the respective sections for supplementary material to each publication.

Object Placement Planning and Optimization for Robot Manipulators

Abstract: We address the problem of planning the placement of a rigid object with a dual-arm robot in a cluttered environment. In this task, we need to locate a collision-free pose for the object that a) facilitates the stable placement of the object, b) is reachable by the robot and c) optimizes a user-given placement objective. In addition, we need to select which robot arm to perform the placement with. To solve this task, we propose an anytime algorithm that integrates sampling-based motion planning with a novel hierarchical search for suitable placement poses. Our algorithm incrementally produces approach motions to stable placement poses, reaching placements with better objective as runtime progresses. We evaluate our approach for two different placement objectives, and observe its effectiveness even in challenging scenarios.
The manuscript is avaliable here.

Video - Accompanying video to the original submission

Placing Objects with prior In-Hand Manipulation using Dexterous Manipulation Graphs

Abstract: We address the problem of planning the placement of a grasped object with a robot manipulator. More specifically, the robot is tasked to place the grasped object such that a place- ment preference function is maximized. For this, we present an approach that uses in-hand manipulation to adjust the robot’s initial grasp to extend the set of reachable placements. Given an initial grasp, the algorithm computes a set of grasps that can be reached by pushing and rotating the object in-hand. With this set of reachable grasps, it then searches for a stable placement that maximizes the preference function. If successful it returns a sequence of in-hand pushes to adjust the initial grasp to a more advantageous grasp together with a transport motion that carries the object to the placement. We evaluate our algorithm’s performance on various placing scenarios, and observe its effectiveness also in challenging scenes containing many obstacles. Our experiments demonstrate that re-grasping with in-hand manipulation increases the quality of placements the robot can reach. In particular, it enables the algorithm to find solutions in situations where safe placing with the initial grasp wouldn’t be possible.
The manuscript is avaliable here.

Example solution in OpenRAVE - Placing an object with prior in-hand manipulation as planned
Real robot execution - Placing an object with prior in-hand manipulation on a real robot (open-loop execution)

In the above video, the in-hand re-grasping is performed open-loop. Accordingly, the reached grasp differs from the grasp for which the placement was planned. More accurate in-hand re-grasping using the DMG with closed-loop execution can be seen in this video from prior work.

Future work

We currently develop a new motion planning algorithm to increase the efficiency of our current framework.


For technical questions please contact Joshua A. Haustein:
Name Email
Joshua A. Haustein haustein at kth dot se
Silvia Cruciani cruciani at kth dot se
Johannes Stork jastork at kth dot se
Kaiyu Hang kaiyu dot hang at yale dot edu
Danica Kragic dani at kth dot se
Joshua A. Haustein, Silvia Cruciani and Danica Kragic are with the
Robotics, Perception and Learning Lab (RPL)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
Kaiyu Hang is with the
Yale University
New Haven, USA

Source Code

The source code of our implementation is available on Github.